Terms and Conditions

Booking with us
We accept payments by credit card, UPI, Google Pay and bank transfer through our reservation's office.
We have to maintain our policy of full advance payment as with an exclusive and private inventory of 4 rooms, we cannot afford to hold a room for a guest who may not arrive.
NOTE: A booking is only held without payment for three (03) days from the invoice generation post which it is released back to general inquires by our system. Only paid bookings are guaranteed.
For Long Stay Package - 100 % advance deposit is required.
Bank Details:
HDFC RK Puram Branch/ Name- Mizpah Enterprises/ Account- 50200051069590 / IFSC (BIC) - HDFC0004109 / Swift Code - HDFCINBB
Alternatively, we can send you a payment link (VISA/Mastercard Only) along with a 3.9% transaction fee.
You may also make payments using Transferwise.
Cancellations and Amendments
Up to 45 days before guest arrival - 90% refund. (10% administrative fee)
Between 30-45 days of guest arrival – 50% refund
Within 30 days of guest arrival – No refund
More than 30 days before the arrival date - 15% retention charge.
15-30 days before the arrival date - 40% retention charge.
Less than 15 days before arrival - 100% retention charge.
No refunds and amendments are available during the Diwali, Christmas, and New Year holidays. Bookings are non-refundable during these dates.